Weekly 6 Pack

As promised, it's time for your weekly 6 pack.
[mp3] Wolfmother: White Unicorn
I'm not quite sure why I haven't posted anything about Wolfmother. Looking back, it's really a crime that I haven't yet. These guys just flat out rock - old school style. If you haven't heard them, now's your chance. Watch out for the huge-ass drum fill at 4:08, I usually rewind that 4 or so times before finishing the song...
Visit their website.
Buy some Wolfmother.
[mp3] Flickerstick: Blue
Although Flickerstick has only released 2 proper albums, they've probably had as much effect on me as any band. Their unique blend of pop hooks, psychadelic guitar licks and killer drumming opened my eyes to a world of new sonic possibilities. Looking back at their debut now seems a little weak but they've certainly shown themselves with Tarantula and To Madagascar and Back, the EP that this little ditty is featured on.
Visit their website.
Buy some Flickerstick.
[mp3] Paul McCartney: Monkberry Moon Delight
This has one of Paul's best screams ever recorded. Sure, "Maybe I'm Amazed" is great but I just love it when Paul goes crazy.
Visit Paul's website.
Buy his albums.
[mp3] Silvercrush: Frightened
I'm sure some of you will be turned off by the "I wish I was Eddie Vedder" vocals but these guys are hometown heroes of sorts. Silvercrush is one of only 2 bands from Utah that has signed with a major label. Though their rock 'n roll life was cut short, their debut album, Stand, is a great post-grunge album. If you're into 7 Mary 3, you'll love these guys.
Buy some Silvercrush.
[mp3] Toadies: Possum Kingdom
Another blast from the past. The Toadies were a little different from the rest of the post-grunge scene, Rubberneck is really worth a listen or a dust off if you've forgotten about it.
Buy some Toadies.
[mp3] Starsailor: Good Souls
All that talk of Starsailor earlier made take another listen to Love is Here. I know this was the single, and it's lame to like the single but hey - this song is just plain amazing.
Visit their website.
Buy some Starsailor.
"Monkberry Moon Delight" is such a great, weird song. Phenomenal album too. My favorite solo Beatle record.
yo, been waiting for the starsailor tune to roll up on hype machine forever.....BUT....the link goes to the (cool) toadies tune.
can u fix it?
thanks, and more power to the rock bandits.
Good Souls should be up for reals. I guess I should have expected a non-working link since I posted at 4 in the morning...thanks for the catch!
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