Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Winner and a small update

Sorry everyone, I got my Tuesday's mixed up. I thought today was the day I was supposed to announce the winner, but I was informed otherwise earlier today...sorry for the lateness.

Anyways, the winner is....

Justin Whaley!

I've also tacked on another CD (Essential Miles Davis).

I have another contest coming at the end of the week with some kick-ass features from Saturna and The Cat Empire. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to do any write ups yet or upload/rip any songs...sorry folks. I'm 1 of 2 managers at work, and the other manager's wife just went into labor 10 weeks early, needless to say I'm covering every shift until she's out of the hospital (though all seems to be going well so far). It looks like I'll see some daylight outside of work on Saturday, but until then - farewell!


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